

Qualitas will assist you with your application, ARPL, Preparation & Trade Test

Qualitas training has been in the skills development sector for close to 15 years.

“We don’t just teach, we inspire”

  • Red Seal Certificate Section 26D

Trades Offered:


Diesel mechanics involves the repairing, diagnosing, and servicing of vehicles that run on diesel engines ranging from vehicles to trucks to tractors. A tradesperson in this field would inspect, service, repair, and maintain diesel mechanic engines.


An electrician is the performance of any electrical work involved in the installation, construction, repair, removal, or maintenance of facilities or buildings


Auto-electrical involves installing, repairing, and maintaining electrical systems in motorised vehicles. Tradespeople in this field ensure the proper functioning of electrical systems in motorised vehicles.


Motor mechanics involves the repairing, diagnosing and servicing of motorised vehicles. This trade allows tradespeople to work on a wide range of automotive vehicles.


Welding is the fabrication process of fusing two or more pieces of metal together. There are various types of welding.


Mechanical fitters work according to specifications of engineering drawings and sketches and from examples of components that they have to manufacture. They are responsible for dismantling and fitting together of component parts


The installation, dismantling, maintenance, reparations, reassembling, and moving of machinery in factories.


Boilermakers are tradespeople who cut, shape, assemble, and weld steel to construct and repair metal products and structures for boilers, ships, iron and steel structures, and other vessels

“The capacity to learn is a gift;

The ability to learn is a skill;

willingness to learn is a choice.”

Qualitas Training Flow Chart

How to Apply

You must have a minimum of 3 years of experience in the trade you wish to apply in.

Documents needed:
– Certified ID Copy
– Detailed Copy of CV
– Signed Letter of Employment

Contact Qualitas Training Today

We are ready to assist you.  Get in touch with us


Requirements differ across trade and courses.
The following table indicates the trade, the course and therequirement as well as age requirement.


Motor and Diesel mechanic

A minimum of 3 years work experience
as a motor or diesel assistant

A minimum of 19 years old


A minimum of 3 years work experience
as an electrician assistant

A minimum of 19 years old


A minimum of 3 years work experience
as a welding assistant

A minimum of 19 years old

Auto Electrician

A minimum of 4 years work experience
as an auto-electrician assistant

A minimum of 19 years old


A minimum of 3 years work experience
as a boiler-making assistant

A minimum of 19 years old


A minimum of 3 years work experience
as a millwright assistant.

A minimum of 19 years old

Mechanical Fitting

A minimum of 3 years work experience
as an electrician assistance

A minimum of 19 years old

How To Apply

Are you ready to take the next step in your career and qualify?


Motor mechanics, Diesel mechanics, Auto-electricians & Electricians.

Qualitas Expert Package

Designed for the client who is knowledgeable in their trade and has covered all trade test tasks over the span of their career. These 3 weeks will be used to revise or practice trade test tasks.

Starting at

R15 050 incl VAT

  • x1 ARPL

  • Trade test preparation: x3 Weeks

  • Trade test: x1 Attempt

We’ll be in touch soon!

Qualitas Advanced Package

Designed for the client who may need a polish on a skill or two. We understand that not all workplaces touch base on each task required for trade testing.
We are here to help!

Starting at

R25 500 incl VAT

  • x1 ARPL

  • x1 Free second attempt

  • Trade test preparation: x6 Weeks

  • Trade test: x1 Attempt

We’ll be in touch soon!



Qualitas Expert Package

Designed for the client who is knowledgeable in their trade and has covered all trade test tasks over the span of their career. These 3 weeks will be used to revise or practice trade test tasks.

Starting at

R19 000 incl VAT

  • x1 ARPL

  • Trade test preparation: x3 Weeks

  • Trade test: x1 Attempt

We’ll be in touch soon!

Qualitas Advanced Package

Designed for the client who may need a polish on a skill or two. We understand that not all workplaces touch base on each task required for trade testing.
We are here to help!

Starting at

R31 050 incl VAT

  • x1 ARPL

  • x1 Free second attempt

  • Trade test preparation: x6 Weeks

  • Trade test: x1 Attempt

We’ll be in touch soon!

Frequently Asked Questions

How much are the courses?2023-08-21T14:32:22+00:00

The prices of the courses differ across trades and duration of training.  Remember this is subject to change based on the outcome of the assessment.

  • I have experience in more than 1 trade, can I apply for a trade test in both? No. You will need to wait 6 months before applying for the second qualification.
  • Where is the red seal certificate from? The QCTO prints all red seal certificates. If you would like to confirm the legitimacy of your certificate, you can do this by calling the QCTO and giving them the certificate number.
Can I pay in advance?2023-08-21T13:55:35+00:00

We prefer it if you pay when you start your courses. We do not recommend paying in advance before receiving a serial number or booking as it can sometimes take longer than anticipated.

Do you offer part time classes?2023-08-21T13:55:06+00:00

We do not offer weekend classes. Our training is full time Monday-Friday.

What is the expected timeline?2023-08-21T13:54:37+00:00

The process can take anything between 4- 8 weeks. A trade test certificate can take a minimum of 3 months to be sent to us from QCTO:

ARPL booking: can be booked upon your availability (almost immediately if you fit the criteria)

Serial number: ±2 weeks after ARPL assessment

Trade Test Readiness: ± 4 weeks upon receipt of serial number Trade testing: immediately after the last day of trade test readiness Certificate: ± 3 months after trade testing

  • I cannot be available for 6 weeks or the duration recommended That’s perfectly fine. At Qualitas we are accommodating to all your needs and time constraints/limitations. You do not have to attend your programme consecutively (all at once). You are welcome to attend according to your availability. We do encourage at least a few times a week or a week a month so as to not extend the programme too long and to cover content thoroughly.
The company I worked for does not exist anymore. How do I get a letter?2023-08-21T13:54:06+00:00

In this case you can provide an affidavit.

  • I am self employed, does my letter count? Self employed candidates’ experience does count towards a trade test application. You will need to provide an affidavit stating you are self employed but you must also get at least 3 statements in the form of affidavits, from people who you have rendered services to.
  • I am a foreign national, can I apply for a trade test? Yes. As long as your work permit is valid for longer than 6 months, you can apply for a trade test. Make sure you meet the rest of the requirements too.
  • Can I do preparation and trade testing only? The only trade you can do this for is Auto-electrical. All the other trades we offer require the candidate to first do a compulsory ARPL assessment. If, however, you have completed your ARPL assessment at a different center and would like to make use of our other services, you are welcome to, as long as you provide evidence of the completion of the ARPL as well as the recommendation enclosed with it.
  • I only need 1 week of training, when can I start? The ARPL assessment will give us a recommendation and indication of how many weeks of training you will need. Training can refer to both gap closure training and/or trade test preparation. Therefore any trade that requires an ARPL assessment means you will
What is a service letter?2023-08-21T13:53:13+00:00

A service letter is a letter from the company you are employed with, which states how many years you have been working there as well as all the tasks you have experience in or do on a daily basis.  This letter must be on the company’s letterhead and must be signed and stamped.

Do you offer Apprenticeship training/programs2023-08-21T13:51:27+00:00

Qualitas does not sponsor apprenticeships privately. We may sometimes receive funding where candidates are funded by the government or other organizations for an apprenticeship program which runs for 3 years. Please note these types of programs are not recurring or scheduled. They may become available at any time. You can keep tabs on facebook where we post updates or make announcements if a new opening or program becomes available.

We do not offer learnerships.

What are the requirements for a trade test ?2023-08-21T13:51:00+00:00
  •  A minimum of 3 years’ relevant work experience
  • A service letter from your place of work proving this experience – Copy of your CV
  • Certified copy of ID.

However, if the candidate has an N6, then they only need 18 months of workplace experience in order to do a trade test.

For training, a candidate must be a minimum of 16 years old and must have a grade 9. We do however recommend obtaining an N2 as this will be beneficial to the training. Please note that these requirements are for welding,  electrical, diesel mechanics and motor mechanics and Not auto-electrician.

What is the process if I want to do an auto-electrical trade test but it does not require an ARPL?2023-08-21T13:49:53+00:00

Auto-electrical does not yet have an ARPL assessment. In this case you must meet the minimum requirement of 4 years’ relevant experience after which you will submit the relevant documents for us to apply for a serial number and you will come for trade test readiness only and then proceed to do the trade test.

In the case of a corporation or even the candidate wanting a guideline or recommendation as to how many weeks of preparation they will need. We do offer a pre-trade test assessment.

What happens if I have to do gap closure training?2023-08-21T13:48:49+00:00

In the event you need to do gap closure, you will be required to retake the ARPL assessment after you have completed the gap closure training for the recommended duration (the ARPL retake will be at no additional cost). We will then apply for your serial number after which you will return to Qualitas for your trade test readiness preparation and then proceed to do your trade test.

We Are Ready To Help You

Whatever your needs, get in touch with us today.

“Qualitas is the BEST place to be, the focus it’s not only on your trade but you are given a chance to develop in other key areas, engaging your self with dedication handwork and passion with the right attitude is how u Learn, to become a Real Artisan a jack of all trades and my Assessor, with the whole Management team, welcomed me with warm hearts. I’ll forever remain grateful for all Skills acquired through Qualitas”

Edward Ramokolo

Service SETA rescue project

Qualitas Training Centre Johannesburg
Fully Accredited

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